Spring STEAM Makers Market slated for April 17, 2024
4/18/24, 12:00 AM
Collaborate to support your students, teachers, staff, and learning community. Be ready for this years STEAM Makers Market @ 5:00 pm on April 17th, 2024. Sign up with your student's teachers to help.
One of the highlights of our students unforgettable school memories are the STEAM Fests. Volunteer opportunities abound.
amplifying support for our
Carson STEAM Elementary Community School Parent Organization community & Eco Restoration Community Endeavors for a whole-child, whole-school evidence-based model for continuous improvements. https://ccgbambino.wixsite.com/bambino-arts/ecorestorationcommunities
Share your vision, animate & optimize students' learning & enrichment to align community support? Many hands make light work. If you can't show up to the meetings don't stress. SIGN-UP & SUBSCRIBE to collaborate!